Rare hermetic texts published in english for the first time. I would have to say that evola was close to 100% correct. Baron giulio cesare andrea evola better known as julius evola, was an italian philosopher, poet, painter, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, esotericist, and. He has been described as a fascist intellectual, a radical traditionalist, antiegalitarian. Born in rome, evola began his pursuit of truth as a dadaist painter and an idealist philosopher, but quickly lost his taste for modernism. Julius evola, italian trainwreck of a person who thought. Pdf download for racial ideology between fascist italy and nazi. Pdf julius evola world religions and spiritualities project.
He considered himself a representative of traditionalism. Introduction to magic book by julius evola, the ur group. With the exception of men among the ruins, which defines evola s postwar political attitude, as well as the essays made available online and in print from the evola as he is web site, all of evola s works which have been translated into english prior to the. Julius evola was a darling of italian fascists and has caught on in the farright circles stephen k. Julius evola, also known as baron giulio cesare andrea evola, was an italian philosopher, esotericist, occultist, author, artist, poet, political activist, soldier. Home biography writings traditionalism links about.
Julius evola 19 may 1898 11 june 1974 was an italian esotericist and occult author, who wrote extensively on matters political, philosophical, historical, racial, religious. Julius evola s activity during the italian social republic one of the undeniable facts in the life of julius evola is that he had at the very least a singular position within the historical experience of the italian social republic. Men among the ruins is, by any standard, far from being evola s best work, and it should never be the. Jun 19, 2018 julius evola was an italian philosopher, esotericist, painter, critic of politics, and scholar of world religions. Pdf apolitia and tradition in julius evola as reaction to nihilism. Jun 12, 2012 barone giulio cesare andrea evola may 19, 1898 june 11, 1974 also known as julius evola, was an italian philosopher and esotericist. Racial ideology between fascist italy and nazi germany. As poet and painter, he was the major italian representative of dadaism 19161922.
Giulio cesare andrea evola, 19 may 1898 11 june 1974, better known as julius evola, was an italian philosopher, painter, and. He also mentioned the late julius evola, a farright italian philosopher popular with the american altright movement. Includes instructions for developing psychic and magical powers. A sicilian philosopher, occultist, political writer and spiritualist, julius evola was one of the major advocates of traditionalism, a philosophy which replaced individual or collective motivation with an appeal toward an eternal order which included natural selection. He seems not to have read evola s books in any language, called the metaphysics of sex. Julius evola on magic political irish the irish politics.
At one time italian fascist leader benito mussolini, the nazi grail seeker otto rahn, and the romanian fascist sympathizer and religious historian mircea eliade admired julius evola. Ive been reading evola for few years now and decided to make this guide for beginners. Apr 30, 2019 julius evola, also known as baron giulio cesare andrea evola, was an italian philosopher, esotericist, occultist, author, artist, poet, political activist, soldier. Julius evola and russian traditionalism european decadence our american media american morality on the dark age on jihad and holy war the occult war on the meaning and context of zen the plurality and duality of civilizations rtf pdf htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt htm txt. Julius evola revolt against the modern world cakravartin. What he did not mention is that evola hated not only jews, but christianity, too. Evola men among evola the bow and the club evola pdf julius evola evola epub the bow and the club, evola man among the ruins evola julius evola pdf evola revolt the mystery of the grail evola evola mystery of the grail east and west evola an introduction to magic evola julius evola ride the tiger pdf the yoga of power by julius evola evola. Julius evola to cultivate a closer rapport between italian and german. The name of the italian thinker julius evola 18981974 is virtually unknown within the american academic community.
Jan 09, 2016 in 1990 the esoteric journal gnosis published articles on evola by robin waterfield and italian esotericist elemire zolla. Evola proposed both the path of action and the path of. Pdf apolitia and tradition in julius evola as reaction to. The legacy of a european traditionalist julius evola in perspective guido stucco t his article is a brief introduction to the life and central ideas of the controversial italian thinker julius evola 18981974, one of the leading. During his trial in 1951, evola denied being a fascist and instead referred to himself as a superfascist. Aug 10, 2019 in 1927 julius evola and other leading italian intellectuals formed the mysterious ur group. Later he became the leading italian exponent of the intellectually rigorous esotericism of rene guenon 18861951. With the exception of men among the ruins, which defines evolas postwar political attitude, as well as the essays made available online and in print from the evola as he is web site, all of evolas works which have been translated into english prior to the. Julius evola project gutenberg selfpublishing ebooks.
Pdf evolas interpretation of fascism and moral responsibility. Julius evola, italian trainwreck of a person who thought fascism wasnt extreme enough. Evola was admired by the italian fascist leader benito mussolini. In 2014, addressing a vatican conference via skype, bannon mentioned that putin has an adviser who harkens back to julius evola and different writers of the early 20th century who are really the supporters of whats called the traditionalist movement, which really kind of eventually metastasized into italian fascism. Julius evola was an italian philosopher, esotericist, painter, critic of politics, and scholar of world religions. The essays contained in this book were written during the period of evolas engagement with both italian fascism and german national. Bannon nurtured at breitbart news and harnessed for president trump. New consensus theory on fascism and the works of julius evola and georges sorel. Looks like evola intentionally wanted to give a menacing vibe in both his appearance and writings, because being angry with the modern world was his main appeal. Biography giulio cesare andrea evola 18981974, image at right. In 1927 julius evola and other leading italian intellectuals formed the mysterious ur group. Pdf this article deals with the figure of julius evola, philosopher and well known freelance political commentator both during and after italys. Perhaps the very concept of measurement is antitradition, an artefact of the science that degraded and democratized the very notion of knowledge by establishing the uniform.
Drakes essay julius evola and the ideological origins of the radical right in contempo rary italy, which contributed a great deal to evolas negative image in. This unpublished interview took place on january 1, 1971, three years before. Thomas sheehan, who first wrote about him from a philosophical perspective, and richard drake, who wrote from a. One might argue that his reputation would be best served by suppressing them, and especially by not publishing the present work in which they are given such blatant form.
Evola regarded his perspectives and spiritual values as aristocratic, masculine, traditionalist, heroic and defiantly reactionary. I was in my mid 20s before i picked up my first volume by the italian philosopher a nicely presented hardback edition of revolt against the modern world. Italian history provides a vital lesson in this respect. These can be seen as evola s attempts, at times on the external plane, at other times on the inner plane, to promote a change in the mentality of the italian man, whom he stereotypes as a mandolinplaying, macaronieating fellow who is all pizza, mafia, and church.
But i learned at age 15 just how circumspect the majority of italians. Men among the ruins is evola s frontal assault on the predominant materialism of our time and the mirage of progress. Julius evola reading guide anonymous 050118 tue 11. My history with julius evola is proof that first impressions arent everything. Evola regarded his stances and spiritual values as a. Ulius evola in perspective the occidental quarterly. His philosophy is considered one of the most radically and consistently antiegalitarian, antiliberal, antidemocratic, and antipopular systems in the 20 th century, and as such, he is often considered an important pillar of neofascist thought, though. Julius evola radical traditionalist philosphy and metaphysics. The rites, practices, and texts collected by the mysterious ur group for the use of aspiring mages. Baron giulio cesare andrea evola, known to the englishspeaking world as julius evola 18981974, was an italian political philosopher.
See more ideas about julius evola, italian futurism and buddhist texts. Julius evola 18981974 has been one of the most misunderstood and controversial authors of the twentieth century. He seems not to have read evolas books in any language, called the metaphysics of sex. The subtitle, 19431945, should get the attention of readers of the roman thinker, it being the most mysterious period of his life, of which he spoke the least, with the most gaps from a biographical point of view. By julius evola from chapter ix, il satanismo satanism of maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo mask and face of contemporary spiritualism.
For evola and other proponents of traditionalism, we are now living in an age of increasing strife and chaos. Julius evolas activity during the italian social republic one of the undeniable facts in the life of julius evola is that he had at the very least a singular position within the historical experience of the italian social republic. In italian football stadia, political representation has been evident for decades. Julius evola was an italian esotericist and philosopher who was one of the primary proponents of rene guenons traditionalist school of thought, and his philosophy has become one of the biggest influences on the modern new right, radical traditionalist, and neoreactionary movements. Julius evola author of revolt against the modern world. Born in rome, evola began his pursuit of truth as a dadaist painter and an idealist philosopher, but quickly lost his taste for modernism and moved on to metaphysics, religion, and the occult. Pdf this article deals with the figure of julius evola, philosopher and wellknown freelance political commentator both during and after italys. In 1990 the esoteric journal gnosis published articles on evola by robin waterfield and italian esotericist elemire zolla. Revolt against the modern world is destined to remain an essential work and frameofreference for anyone seriously involved in native european spirituality. Baron giulio cesare andrea evola italian pronunciation. Apolitia and tradition in julius evola as reaction to nihilism 269 the doctrine of the aryanroman superrace was transformed into a doctrine of the leaders of men. Julius evola, mussolini and racism countercurrents. To the best of my knowledge, only two american scholars have so far analyzed evola s thought. Natale joe diamond evola february 22, 1907 august 28, 1973 was a new york mobster who briefly became boss of the bonanno crime family natale evola was born in the bay ridge section of brooklyn to parents filippo and francesca evola, natives of castellammare del golfo, sicily.
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